The three main meals a day do not always meet our caloric needs. In these cases, after-hours snacks break up a sense of hunger that occurs between meals. However, it must also be said that this over-time appetite can be the indicator of nutritionally incorrect habits that lead us to look for foods rich in fats and sugars and therefore are detrimental to health. So in itself it is not the snack to make you fat, but what you eat and in what quantity.
Healthy foods to be consumed between meals
The temptation is precisely to let yourself go to some whim or to the first snack that we find at hand. But in reality these snacks do not satisfy us and indeed make us want to eat more. We end up in a vicious circle that feeds on itself. The regularity in feeding, that is eating at the same times and not skipping meals, especially breakfast, puts us away from these unhealthy temptations. It is also important to eat well by chewing slowly because we savor them more, which increases satisfaction and satiety. In the case of meals out of hours we avoid to hastily consume them in front of the computer. Let's take 5-10 minutes of time otherwise the absent mind will seem to have eaten nothing. When we are caught by these out-of-meal hunger attacks we are led to eat something right away. In reality it is enough to spend just 10 minutes to realize that the urge to eat will be greatly reduced.
1) Fresh or dry and oily fruit. For example, 14 almonds contain 160 calories and are also foods rich in fiber and omega-3 essential fatty acids for the heart. In addition, the alpha-linolenic acid always contained in this fruit is a known fat burner. For a snack, 3 or 4 walnuts and 10 almonds are good, not more because they are rather caloric fruits.
2) Raw vegetables. This is a convenient snack that we can also take to the office. Tomatoes (also in the form of juice), carrots, cucumbers, salad are fine. They provide us with antioxidant vitamins, minerals, fiber and water.
3) Low-fat yogurt accompanied by two tablespoons of oat flakes. It is a great snack that breaks the hunger. Alternatively, a natural yogurt with 3 walnuts or 4 almonds.
4) During the winter season you can prepare hot drinks, such as sugar-free herbal tea and barley coffee.
5) A wholemeal sandwich with a sliced meat, such as bresaola that contains very little fat or with a piece of Parmesan or tomato.
6) Bitter dark chocolate that has over 70% cocoa.
Don't forget to drink even between meals, preferably still water.
1) Avoid fruit juices and sugary drinks. In the same way sweets or chewing gums do not go well because with the continuous stress of the jaw they stimulate salivation and increase the sense of hunger even more.
2) Chocolates and chips as they are rich in sugar and fat.
3) Packaged snacks rich in sugar, salt and hydrogenated fats.