Ginger is a miraculous root, rich in vitamins, capable of activating the metabolism, draining.

But what not everyone knows or perhaps few is that ginger, which is one of its most interesting properties, has to do with controlling high (bad) cholesterol levels.

Chinese and Indians have been exploiting their properties for millennia, in fact ginger is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts, but it was not unknown even to the ancient classical, Hellenic and Roman civilizations, having arrived in the Mediterranean through the Arabs. In tropical countries ginger is widely cultivated from sea level up to 1500 meters. Today the largest producer is Jamaica. Ginger is mostly used in the food industry, both fresh and dried, and in preparations that tend to preserve the rhizome, such as candied or syruped ginger, jams, liqueurs and beverages (ginger beer, ginger ale, ginger soda, all refreshing).

Studies have shown that a constant consumption of ginger can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and limit its absorption by the liver, favoring its transformation into bile acids.

In a nutshell, those who have high blood cholesterol levels can associate a low-fat diet with a constant consumption of ginger to bring their levels back to normal.

The therapeutic properties of ginger
In India and China ginger is considered among the most important medicinal plants, in fact it enters the composition of numerous traditional preparations. Contains starch (50%), proteins (9%), lipids (6-8%), a protease (2%), essential oils, vitamins (in particular niacin and vitamin A), resins, mucilage. Used for thousands of years to relieve stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, toothache, in the case of cholera, bleeding and rheumatism, today certain pharmacological properties are recognized and modern science has confirmed some of the medicinal uses of this plant . First of all, ginger has an important antioxidant and anti-aging action.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports good results in reducing blood cholesterol levels obtained with the administration of ginger, so it is often useful to include fresh or powdered ginger in the diet.

How much ginger do you take to fight high cholesterol?
In order to have effects on our body in order to reduce high cholesterol levels, ginger must be consumed constantly. The recommended daily doses range from 10 to 30 grams precisely, better if the ginger is cold-pressed or infused.

How to take ginger to fight cholesterol?

Although in some cultures it is a food commonly used in recipes, for us it represents a sort of novelty, a fashion. As food the ginger is fresh or dried, in pieces or in powder. Fresh produce is bought from some grocers or natural food stores

But don't worry, getting used to it will be easier than it seems. One of the simplest methods to consume ginger daily is to grate it in a cup of warm water where we will have squeezed some lemon juice. Drinking this solution every morning will give us the right sprint to face the day. If you prepare smoothies and centrifuge instead, you can add pieces of ginger to your recipes, mixing it to taste with fruits and vegetables. To appreciate its aroma instead, try using it in fish recipes, preferably steamed or baked.

Contraindications of the use of ginger

The consumption of ginger is not recommended for those suffering from gastritis and ulcers since in these cases it could cause digestive problems, acute heartburn and gastrointestinal disorders. So if you have any doubts about it, it is preferable to seek the advice of your primary care physician before starting treatment.