Not only what you eat is important, but also the time of day when you eat. In particular, a pasta dish would have different effects on the metabolism if consumed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is the timelessness, one of the most recent addresses that is affirming itself in these years in terms of food.
Timelessness studies the relationship between circadian rhythms, or the biological clock inside our body and metabolism. A study conducted by the Southwestern Medical Center published in the journal Cell Metabolism has deepened these aspects. The researchers examined a group of mice, some of which could access food at will, others only within certain time intervals. The experiment showed that only the mice forced to eat within a fixed number of hours (12 hours a day) managed to lose weight and without even having to reduce the total calories. But there is even more significant research conducted a few years ago. In 2013, a Spanish study published in the International Journal of Obesity examined two groups of dieters. People who ate after 3pm had difficulty or had more difficulty losing weight. The same happened to those who suffered from insomnia. At the base is therefore underlying the concept that our organism presents a very receptive metabolism in the morning, a little in the evening because it is influenced by the circadian rhythm, a sort of internal internal biological that allows us to adapt to the waking cycle (hours of light) sleep (hours of darkness). It could therefore be stated that a diet would be more effective if the calories are taken during the day, when the metabolism is more active.
Crononutrizione, food schedule: when to eat
But what practical consequences can they have in everyday life? The indications that can be drawn relate to the time in which food is to be consumed. For example, returning to the pasta dish and then to carbohydrates, the latter should be consumed in the morning and at lunch, while proteins in the evening. It is important not to skip meals because the body feels the lack of food as a dangerous situation and therefore accumulates as much fat as possible. Breakfast should be consumed between 7 and 8 because it is the time when what you eat burns more quickly. The perfect lunch should be consumed between 12 and 13: in the following three hours the metabolism is particularly active so fat does not accumulate. Finally, the best time for dinner is between 7pm and 8pm. Also proteins and vegetables are preferred, but carbohydrates should be limited (a slice of wholemeal bread is fine).