The hypolipid diet, which is becoming increasingly popular in Italy, is a diet that provides for a reduction in fat consumption. In particular, the proportion of lipids is less than 25%. Generally it is a diet that is indicated for the treatment of specific conditions, such as for example fatty liver or excess cholesterol and triglycerides. Specifically, the INRAN guidelines (National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition) predict that taking the Mediterranean diet as a reference, the percentage of lipids must be between 25 and 30% depending on the case in relation to the total calories taken with food.
Hypolipid diet: characteristics
There are three different types. The first predicts that the lipid quota must be less than 30% but must not fall below 25%. The moderate hypolipid diet, on the other hand, requires a fat content of between 20 and 25%. Finally, in the third type, that is, the hypolipidic diet with a percentage of lipids is less than 20%. In the latter case the diet is compensated by the increase in complex carbohydrates from 55-60% to 60-65%. The purpose of the hypolipid diet is to reduce the complications that can result from overweight and obesity. Furthermore, depending on the pathologies, it can be hypocaloric in the case in which weight must be lost, hypoglucidica that is to say a net reduction of complex carbohydrates and simple sugars, and hyposodic or with a reduced salt content indicated especially in cases of hypertension. Lipid reduction below 25% is useful in case of
hypercholesterolemia, or when a diet rich in fats is followed (in these cases the proportion of lipids exceeds 35%). This type of diet is also indicated if you have high triglycerides or if you need to treat a diabetic disease, in particular type II or fasting hyperglycemia, if you are cardiopathic or hypertensive, in the presence of acute pancreatitis or gall bladder calculations, in case of hepatic liver disease, in cases of heart disease and hypertension or in sports such as body building.
Hypolipid diet: indicated foods and prohibited foods
The hypolipid diet, although not born as a slimming diet, if it is associated with a low-calorie diet and the practice of a physical activity, can make us lose up to a pound a week.
1) Fish. In particular those that contain omega-3 fats, such as cod, hake, sea bream, snapper, grouper, salmon, mackerel and blue fish. On the other hand, if you are following a strict or moderate hypolipidic diet, you should avoid fish that is high in fat as it is rich in cholesterol, if you are following a low-fat Mediterranean diet. In particular, mullet, eel, eel, carp and shellfish are included in the limitation.
2) White and lean meats such as chicken, rabbit and turkey. Yes to the lean parts of veal, pork and adult bovine. Avoid lean meats instead, and very fatty meats, processed and treated such as hamburgers, sausages, frankfurters. The offal and fatty parts of the animal, the industrial and processed pasta such as lasagne, tortellini, cannelloni, agnolotti and ravioli should also be avoided.
3) Legumes: all the various types can be consumed such as lentils, beans, broad beans, chickpeas, soy peas.
4) Whole grains so yes to the consumption of pasta, rice and bread as long as they are whole.
5) Dairy products. Preferred is skimmed or semi-skimmed milk or vegetable milk, low-fat yogurt or vegetable yogurt, tofu, milk flakes, low-fat cheeses.
6) Fruits and vegetables. There are no particular indications regarding any limits.
As a condiment, extra virgin olive oil, spices, aromatic herbs, and vinegar are preferred. Avoid fatty sauces, desserts, alcoholic drinks and sugary and carbonated drinks instead.
Narrow hypolipid diet: food scheme
In this case the lipid content is less than 20%. In any case, it must always be specified that diets must be followed under the supervision of a doctor or specialist.
Breakfast: 200 ml of skimmed late with two slices of toasted wholemeal bread, a spoonful of honey and a fruit of your choice.
Snack: a yogurt or two seasonal fruits.
Lunch: 60 grams of whole wheat pasta with fresh tomato, 120 grams of grilled chicken accompanied by a mixed salad.
Snack in the afternoon: a low-fat yogurt or a smoothie with 100 ml of vegetable milk with a fruit of your choice.
Dinner: 200 grams of cod to be cooked in foil, 2 boiled or baked potatoes accompanied by a mixed salad.