Valeria Agnelutto, nutrition expert for the Babasucco brand, tells us that "you can choose to have a detox diet whenever you want, even if a favorable period to purify is the spring and summer one, when the body is more stimulated by the change of season and temperature. But a detox phase is always advisable even after a period of excess at the table, for example when you happen to overload the body with harmful substances or foods, too elaborate or industrial (see under sausages, refined sugars, salty snacks, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks). ).
The need to make a detox diet should not be absolutely related to the need to lose weight. Detox does not make you lose weight.
Detox, as a holistic cure, is also great when you don't feel fit - for example due to flu, toothache or persistent headache - when your body is indirectly requiring a moment of rest and the need for self -healing. There is not just one system for detoxing at the table: what matters is to listen carefully to your needs and rely on a trusted expert to establish a personalized program together ".
What are the advantages of a Detox diet?
But what are the consequences of a food program that cleanses us from within?
During the detox diet period the digestive system is at rest, albeit for a short period of time. In this way the body tends to draw the necessary energy from deposits that otherwise would not be used, moving accumulations of lipids containing toxins (if the detox is done correctly), which in turn will be eliminated by the excretory organs, ie liver, skin, lungs, kidneys and lymphatic vessels. Often follows a drop in weight, but remember that does not always correspond to a total drop of fat: During the detox days, in fact, lose fluids easily. That's why it's important to remember to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, especially in these hot weeks ». Anticipate the stimulus of thirst and drink, drink, drink.
What is the ideal duration of the detox diet?
There are no hard rules as to the duration of a food detox program. Even one day detox brings many benefits and is a gift that we do to our bodies. Of course, the optimum period, given the choice, would be about ten days in this period of time the plasma (blood constituent liquid *) has the opportunity to completely regenerate.
What to bring to the table or what not, during the detox?
Foods to forget for the detox period:
In this phase, acidifying foods are banned as food of animal origin (sausages, aged cheeses, red and white meat, cow's milk), refined cereal-based products, sweets, carbonated drinks, fruit juices rich in simple sugars, ready-to-eat foods. , canned foods, salt-rich sauces and alcoholic beverages.
On the other hand, there is ample space for vegetable-derived proteins, such as legumes, unrefined grains such as spelled, barley, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, oats, millet, rye. Among the preferred animal sources, fish, preferably lean species, and as far as cooking is concerned, opt for steamed, baked, grilled ».
Condiments: yes or no?
Yes in the extra virgin olive oil, spices (such as turmeric, ginger, coriander) and aromatic herbs such as rosemary, thyme, marjoram. Then there are vegetables and fruits with high draining power, such as artichokes, fennel, cabbage, bitter salads, onions, garlic, watermelon, melon, citrus fruits and pomegranates. Again, enrich your dishes with oilseeds and nuts: rich in calcium, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and vegetable proteins, they overload the liver less
At this stage it is very useful to introduce many liquids.
It is advisable to drink 1.5 -2 liters of water a day, also using birch, dandelion, fennel and pilosella infusions - which has depurative properties - or sip green tea and coffee, rich red tea or pure aloe juice, whose anti-inflammatory function is due to the presence of plant sterols.
Details on the detox diet:
Detox, water, or liquid diets are useless and even counterproductive because they lead the body to incredible stress. They force him - albeit temporarily - to completely change metabolic "reasoning", and this is never a good idea. The body remembers everything, and tilt goes by dint of mad constrictions.
Many people rely on detox diets, made also using herbal teas or other alternative remedies, to purify the body from food excesses. They promise to lose weight, improve hair, nails and digestion, and stimulate the immune system. A fashion that has been called "dangerous and ineffective" by the British doctors of Milton Keynes Hospital.