To reactivate the metabolism, it is good to first consume a large breakfast. One of the easiest and most effective methods to stimulate the metabolism is to give priority to breakfast. The first meal of the day, which remains among the most important, activates gastric juices, gives energy and helps to start off on the right foot. If you make a balanced breakfast, you will make healthy decisions. Choose the right beverages, enjoy this moment of the day while awakening your metabolism.

When should I have breakfast?
It is very important to have breakfast within an hour of waking up. You have probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day: it is absolutely true. In fact, 8 or 10 hours have passed since you last ate. Blood sugar and, consequently, energy levels are low. It is therefore essential to break the fast within an hour. A healthy breakfast activates the metabolism and positively affects the course of the day, but waiting too long before eating can slow you down instead.

Leaving too much time between one meal and another, our body tends to decrease its metabolism to cope with the temporary lack of nutrients. Avoid last-minute diets. Severe caloric restriction tends to lower the metabolism by decreasing energy expenditure and increasing the body's ability to absorb nutrients present in food. When taken by hunger and despair, you will grant yourself even a small "food sgarro" your body will be happy to store the caloric surplus and keep it tightly before burning it unnecessarily.

Tips to reactivate the metabolism at breakfast:

Start the day with a glass of water. Do not wake up, sip 250-500 ml of water to hydrate the body and activate gastric juices. Then, continue drinking regularly throughout the day. If you suffer from dehydration, you risk burning up to 2% less protein than you should.

Convert your weight into pounds: you should drink a quantity of water (in liquid ounces) equal to 50% of your body weight. For example, a weight of 200 pounds requires 100 liquid ounces.

Avoid simple carbohydrates. What is meant by simple carbohydrates? The classic breakfast foods (like croissants or croissants) that offer a quick source of energy. The problem with these carbohydrates, however, is that they cause the blood sugar to soar and then cause a strong energy collapse. This phenomenon can generate insulin resistance, not to mention the fact that hunger pangs will be felt first. So avoid fine bread and sweets in the morning.

. Also avoid eating donuts, croissants, pancakes and toasted white bread. Instead, opt for toasted wholemeal bread.

. Pay attention to the added sugars contained in the cereals.

. Avoid sweetening the coffee with sugar or sugary creams.

Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking at least two liters of water a day (water accounts for 65-75% of muscle mass and less than 35% of fat mass).

Try to find a balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. You must aim to prepare and consume a balanced breakfast that contains all these nutrients. In addition to having excellent nutritional values, this meal will also stimulate and awaken the metabolism.

Foods useful to awaken the metabolism:
Here are some good sources of protein: eggs, greek yogurt, legumes, chicken or fish.

Carbohydrates should be consumed by eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Here are some good sources of healthy fats: avocados, eggs, coconut oil, nuts and seeds.

The omelets with vegetables (possibly cooked in coconut oil) are a great example of a balanced breakfast of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

Favorite breakfast foods untreated.

Natural foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, require more complex digestion. This factor is positive, as it allows to speed up the metabolism, burn calories and maintain a more lasting sense of satiety. If you are not in the habit of consuming natural foods, you will probably need to start planning the meal.

If you want to prepare a porridge, you prefer oats in flakes or wholemeal to the instant one.

Try other whole grains for breakfast, such as quinoa.

Include lots of fresh vegetables.

Include some fruit.